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Trade Skills Assessment

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Metaverse Trader Assesment

Many people seek financial freedom and perhaps harbor dreams of being star Traders. In just a few minutes and you will know if you have the natural aptitude to be a trader. Consider the questions in the context of your daily life activities and you will know your potential.

Take our free assessment quiz and find out which skilled trades career would be the best fit for your interests and personality! Answer the following 10 questions and we'll analyze the data to recommend personalized trading strategies for you.

All given answers are correct you have to choose the best suitable answer for getting the higher point.

1 / 10

Category: Trading Quiz

1. What Type of Trader You Are?

2 / 10

Category: Trading Quiz

2. How are You Using Capital?

3 / 10

Category: Trading Quiz

3. What Tools You Are Using When Trading in Option?

4 / 10

Category: Trading Quiz

4. How You Manage Accountability?

5 / 10

Category: Trading Quiz

5. Are you option trader what is your play?

6 / 10

Category: Trading Quiz

6. What About Stop Loss?

7 / 10

Category: Trading Quiz

7. What You Do When You Carry Open Position ?

8 / 10

Category: Trading Quiz

8. How do You Update About Technology?

9 / 10

Category: Trading Quiz

9. How Much Time in a Week You Are Spending on Learning?

10 / 10

Category: Trading Quiz

10. What Plan You Are Using Before entering in the Trade?

Your time is up! Your test is submitted automatically whether you’re finished or not.

Please fill in a valid email address for receiving your Score and Certificate.

Your score is

The average score is 76%


What does the Quiz Unlock?

Receive a certificate & personalized information and articles on your trading style and tips on how to get started in trading. Find out whether your trading style is suitable for specific shares such as AMC or GME, or whether it benefits from trading the S&P500 or exotic currencies.


The Scalper

Super focused,likes fastpaced, quick trades that chase spikes


Day Trader

Dedicated trader that trades on volatility only during the day


Swing Trader

More patient, likes to ride market trends for longer intervals


Position Trader

Zen-like trend follower that prefers to hold positions till trend peaks

Get Started Simple & Securely

Register now to get your Trader Certification on trading to get you started! Certificates will be sent to your email address on your assessment score.

A traders test is a test used to assess the proficiency and skill level of an individual in any number of skilled traders.

Submit Your Real Name and Email so we can print it on your certificates. We will also send you the trading tips and update by mail so please submit it as a real one. Don’t spam!

1. Below 50% – You Just Started Trading
2. 50% to 70% – Beginner Level Trader
3. 70% to 90% – Intermediate Level Trader
4. Above 90% – Advanced Level Trader

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